Dr. Donna Padilla-Taguiba
President of Panpacific University, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Philippines (Region 1)

Dr. Donna Padilla-Taguiba
2023-2026 – Elected President
PAEPI Global
The Philippine Association of Extension Program Implementers, Inc. (PAEPI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization whose aim is to make extension services on the same level of professional practice as teaching and research in the country’s colleges and universities through global partnership, hence making it- PAEPI Global. Its vision and commitment is to elevate the level of the discipline to make it an effective means of social and individual transformation. It is the PAEPI Global Vision to continue being a strong progressive advocate of quality extension services with great impact in the Philippines and the global community.
We are PAEPI Global, a group of HEIs focused on internationalization . we are dedicated to the sharing of best practices in instruction, research and extension that are relevant, responsive, and timely for the global community especially in this challenging times.
In paving the way for a collaborative alliance with other HEIs , we are articulating our commitment by providing incentives or awards for exemplary global partnerships programs. I look forward to different HEIs sharing and sustaining their outstanding practices in instruction, research and extension services through PAEPI Global. To go beyond the usual practice of facilitating communications and exchanging information, PAEPI Global is to create a structure for the interdisciplinary consortium of faculty , researchers and technologists to and to articulate rubrics for consideration in order to accelerate collaboration and partnerships , thereby putting together the different initiatives of the various learning institutions, towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 on global partnerships for sustainability.
We remain steadfast to this vision of collaboration and exchange which our organization stands for.
As a change in leadership is in effect, thanks are due to our PAEPI Global Honorary advisers – Dr. Bharat Soni (USA) , Vadm Eduardo Ma R Santos, AFP (Ret) ( Philippines) and PAEPI adviser – Prof. Angelica M Baylon (PAEPI Global Chair/President Emeritus ) for continuously sharing your vision of a strong and reputable organization and committed steadfast support.
Where we are now is due to our past leaders . So , to our 2021-2023 pioneer Global partners, Governing Board and Global BOTs led by the Dr. Cristina Dragomir (Pioneer PAEPI Global Chair and Chair for European Center for Sustainability), our constant respect and pure admiration. We carry on the encouraging support for sustainability with the emphasis on PAEPI Global corporate values in action. With you, we will work towards actualizing a Scopus- indexed International Convention of PAEPI journal so that scholarly works on extension maybe recognized, published, and shared.
PAEPI Global partnerships shall provide opportunities for economic and global development, with everyone contributing their individual and institutional strengths to achieve a collective outcome
To the 2023-2026 eminent Global BOTS and regional leaders, led by our Global Chair – Principal Ahmad Wahid (President of STIP Jakarta Indonesia) and the members of the Global Governing Board and Board of Trustees (BOTs), we have work to continually do better . We thank you for the trusts and the value added to the organization.
As PAEPI Global President elect, it is an honor to serve and contribute to PAEPI Global VMGOs . I stand in service with co-institutional Presidents , co- PAEPI officers and regional PAEPI leaders nationwide : VP – Dr. Alberto Naperi (CBSUA President) of Region 5, Secretary –Dr. Bert Tuga (PNU President) of the National Capital Region, Treasurer –Dr. Ruby Santos-Matibag (BPSU President ) of Region 3 , PRO – Dr. Joy C. Capistrano (ASSCAT President ) of Region 13 and Auditor –Dr. Catherine Roween Chico -Almaden (NBSC President ) of Region 10.
“Commitment and Vision are essential factors that will determine the success of the PAEPI Global partnership implementation.”
These two components (Commitment and Vision) must prevail. HEIs need to advance a long-term vision of their global external relations. Meaning, they have to go beyond the concept of “global relations” or “global partnership” to the notion of “global cooperation” through the sharing of values and mutual learning among PAEPI Global partners.
I appreciate you taking the time to visit our website. I encourage every member to actively participate and join in our collaborative efforts . For non-members ,, I invite you to join us . Since all activities of PAEPI GLOBAL are inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary and all involves local and global organizations , we join everyone in this shared goal of actualizing the sustainable development goals. Mabuhay!