Message from the Pioneer PAEPI Global Chair
Prof. Maria Cristina Dragomir, Ph. D
Constanta Maritime University, Romania

Prof. Maria Cristina Dragomir, PhD
PAEPI Global Pioneer Chair 2021-2023
European Centre for Social Responsibility (ECSR) President/Chair, Romania
For PAEPI-GLOBAL, SUSTAINABILITY is all about putting the PAEPI Principles into practice. In other words, the underlying idea behind this effort is to seek sustainable enhancement of our corporate values in conformance with the PAEPI Principles, as we commit ourselves to promote the sustainable development of our society on a global basis.
PAEPI Global is aware that a proactive and dynamic response to sustainability threats in our environment and society, is essential to enhance our corporate values sustainably. Based on this awareness, we shall set forth a Sustainability Policy based on the PAEPI Global Principles and built a framework and a system by which we put the policy into practice.
The Governing Board of Directors shall oversee and supervise PAEPI initiatives in key sustainability issues by monitoring if the progress and envisions have been made in the right direction.
Education in this time of Pandemic had brought to the Philippines and globally several challenges and opportunities, especially technology use. PAEPI Global Honorary Adviser Vadm Eduardo Ma R Santos, AFP (Ret) (MAAP President), presented in detail about the challenges and opportunities in the educational sector brought by the COVID 19 Pandemic during the recently concluded 7th PAEPI International Convention with the theme “Education in the Time of the Pandemic,” a PAEPI Global WEBINAR on February 19, 2019, hosted by Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Pasig (PLP) Focusing on that, technological developments could create a skills gap on the competencies of extension program implementers as they may struggle to evolve as fast as the developments taking place. Hence, the continuous education and training of extension program implementers must ensure that their attitude, knowledge, and skills include being tech-savvy. Training responses to technological developments could consist of the re-skilling, de-skilling, or up-skilling of extension program implementers.
“De-skilling” could mean that less qualified extension program implementers would perform the same tasks that previously would have required a worker to be highly skilled; now, they would be able to rely on computers. Training extension service implementers in new technologies will enable them to benefit from new opportunities that arise as technological developments continue. Globally, technology and digital training was the second most requested type of training by extension program implementers.
Social partners, educational/training institutions, local and international regulatory bodies should work together to assess and evaluate the requirements for future skills and training of extension program implementers.
As President /Chair of ECSR and pioneer PAEPI GLOBAL Chair, we are glad to be a global partner of PAEPI and had included PAEPI in all our activities and webinars with PAEPI logo, and logos of our partners
We also thank PAEPI Global Chair/President Emeritus Prof. Angelica M Baylon. She always has the energy and time to contribute and participate in all events as a speaker, debater, and reactor. With PAEPI Global as one of the partner organizations ( , making PAEPI visible in the Global arena as seen on the following webinars in the Year 2020-2023:
- August 17, 2021, Seafarers Financial Planning for Seafarers Food for thought and the YOU TUBE video
- April 16, 2021 –International drawing contest for youth- Smart Transport Sustainability in the Daily Life Participant institution from the Philippines is Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig (PLP) or the University of Pasig City (College Level
- Nov 20, 2020- The Role of the European Commission, IMO, and ILO for Empowering gender In the maritime and the YOU TUBE video
- Oct 17, 2020- Introduction to Maritime Coaching
- Sept 30, 2020– Smart Transport Summit 2020 edition (11.00-13.30, Bucharest) and YOU TUBE video
We at the PAEPI GLOBAL , shall keep working toward sustainable enhancement of corporate value and improvement of board effectiveness to provide even more solid solutions to global social issues through the organizations and meet all concerned expectation.
We in PAEPI Global are looking forward to joining the PAEPI Global Philippine leadership. We want to contribute our humble share to accomplish its vision, mission, and objectives beneficial for extension program implementers in collaboration with the PAEPI Philippines leadership.
One of which is an International Convention of PAEPI Journal that will consist of written and publishable best practices by extension program implementers which as a researcher/scholar, I am personally very excited to share and contribute
Congratulations to the – 8th PAEPI Global President- elect , Dr. Rhonda t. Padilla the President of Panpacific University, Philippines and the PAEPI Global Chair -elect Principal Ahmad Wahid , the President of STIP Jakarta Indonesia and to all the newly elected and conferred Global Governing Board & Global Board of Trustees and to the Philippine Executive Board & Regional Board of Directors for the AY 2023-2025 during the “6th PAEPI Biennial Convention and Bienniel General Institutional Membership Assembly cum AMFUF Conference ” .
On behalf of the members of the pioneer 2021-2023 PAEPI Global Governing Board and Global Board of Trustees , expect our full support to all your noble and scholarly endeavors inline with SDG 17 on Global Partnership for Sustainability! Wishing all new officers and members the very best for PAEPI as we join you in all your noteworthy endeavors for a better sustainable global community!